Our Mission
The Acalanes Performing Arts Boosters champions and helps sustain a high quality performing arts education at Acalanes High School. We are a parent led organization with individual discipline boards for the Choral, Drama and Instrumental Music programs. These boards also collectively work together on the APAB board to support our performing arts teachers and students.
Please join us! APAB and the individual discipline board meetings are open to families of Acalanes students who participate in the performing arts. Please drop us an email to learn more about our meetings and how you can lend a hand in supporting our programs!
APAB Board Members
APAB President................................................Stella Wotherspoon
Co-VPs, Instrumental Music....................Sharon Mieloch-Garcia & Jennifer Brown
Co-VPs, Choral...................................................Aimee Gates & Linda Shenon
VP, Drama.............................................................Kelli Hemmingsen
Treasurer...............................................................Paul Joseph
Secretary...............................................................Emily Rennie
Musical Parent Coord. / LPIE Rep........Anita Embleton
Web Admin / Asst. Treasurer..................Chris Hsu
Choral Instructor............................................Meredith Hawkins
Drama Instructor...........................................Ed Meehan
Instrumental Music Director.................Edwin Cordoba
AHS Administrative Rep...........................Jeanne Johnson
Volunteer Opportunities
There are many large and small ways to support the Performing Arts at Acalanes, from assisting at performances to serving on the APAB board, or the individual discipline boards for Choral, Drama and Instrumental Music. Please send a message to apab-president@ahsperformingarts.org to find out more about how you can help!
Your time and enthusiasm can be contributed by volunteering for a role on one of the booster boards: APAB, Choral Music, Instrumental Music, and Drama.
There are multiple ways for you to give performing arts at Acalanes a boost! Financial contributions can be made on Dons Days or anytime with PayPal.